North Palm Beach Real Estate

The smallest community in Palm Beach County, the Village of North Palm Beach has a little over 12,000 inhabitants. Small in area, North Palm Beach is 5.5 square miles and almost 40% is water, making North Palm Beach real estate limited and desirable.  The village prides itself in “enriching lives through Parks and Recreation,” and is home to breathtakingly beautiful MacArthur Beach State Park and a Jack Nicklaus golf course. With such assets as warm weather, year round sunshine, golf, ocean fishing, boating, sandy beaches and balmy breezes, the Village of North Palm Beach has much to offer enthusiastic people who are raising families or looking to retire. It’s high caliber restaurants like Hog Snappers and Frigates draw in a huge crowd any night of the week, and any local will tell you, worth the wait.   Although small, the community of North Palm Beach is a tiny treasure on the coast, and its proximity to larger towns and cities makes it the perfect getaway from the congestion of a high population.  Florida natives and North Palm Beach locals will tell you that there is nothing that compares to its beautiful parks.  The Village of North Palm Beach has a lot to offer anyone looking for real estate in the Palm Beach County area.


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